Monday, January 12, 2009

So school started today..

school started today and it went quite well. i have old testament survey at 8, music theory II lab at 9, english composition II at 10, break, and choir at 12. However, that might just change. i tried out for the voices, a highly select a capella group at school. I don't know if i made it yet. pray for me!!!! i really want to get in it. If i make it though i have to change my schedule around. ergh.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


i need a new phone because my stupid blackberry which i have had since april 08 has decided to allow two buttons to fall off, shut off, freeze up, and officially aggravated me. here's my dilemma, cell south won't let up upgrade until april '09 and i really really want the htc touch diamond. however it would cost me 500 dollars to upgrade now and i'm sorry but no phone is worth half a grand, i don't care how cool it is!!!! i really don't want to switch cell phone carriers because that'll cost me even more. what's a guy to do?????????????

Sunday, January 4, 2009

divine romance

here is my lesson plan for wednesday chat... tell me what you think!

divine romance
zak gillespie

3 Steps to Earthly Marriage
1-Commitment (Engagement)
a) wife takes husband’s last name
b) new person in husband
c) communication
a) completion of marriage (seals the deal)
b) TWO BECOME ONE (Gen 2:24, Matt 19:5, 1 Cor. 6:16, Eph. 5:31-33)

And the man and his wife were naked and were not embarrassed or ashamed in each other’s presence.

Matthew 10:32-33 AMPLIFIED BIBLE
Therefore, everyone who acknowledges Me before men and confesses Me [out of a state of oneness with Me], I will also acknowledge him before My Father Who is in heaven and confess [that I am abiding in] him. But whoever denies and disowns Me before men, I also will deny and disown him before My Father Who is in heaven.

3 Steps to Spiritual Marriage
1-Commitment (Repentance)
a) Repentance is a 180o turn away from sin
b) engagement to the King
c) there has to be a dying to your flesh!!
Ezekiel 14:6, Matthew 3:2, Romans 1:24-32, 6:23
a) When you are baptized, you take on His name (Buried with Christ)
b) Become His Bride (Romans 6:4)
c) Grafted into the Body/Family
Acts 2:38, 8:14-17, 10:48, 22:16
a) Holy Ghost infilling is how we become consummated with Christ.
b) You are officially IN Christ
c) DIRECT communication with God (thru prayer, tongues, intercession)
d) ANYTHING you need in Jesus, you have when you get the Holy Ghost
John 3:5, Ezekiel 37:13-14, Romans 8:9-39, Acts 2:1, 10:44, 19:5
****[Acts 19:1-6] Something has to happen after you believe that Jesus is Lord****

Death = Repentance
Burial = Baptism
Resurrection = Infilling

Honeymoon-Mark 12:29-31
Jesus said, "The first in importance is, 'Listen, Israel: The Lord your God is one; so love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy.' And here is the second: 'Love others as well as you love yourself.' There is no other commandment that ranks with these."

Later to follow is things that encourage and help your walk to with God….

Saturday, January 3, 2009

thoughts for teaching youth class

i'm supposed to teach the wednesday nite youth class (chat) and here are some ideas.

-relationship with God
-divine romance
-marriage between God

not sure. hopefully i can find something to do. pray for me.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hi-first post... im nervous!!

Hello all!! This is my first post. I'm going to try to get this up and running and at least blog daily or maybe weekly.
